Diamond State Aquarium Society Website

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DSAS Monday Night Meeting, 7pm, March 10th, at:

Wilmington Manor Lions Club

320 N DuPont Hwy (Rt 13 N)

New Castle, DE 19720

“Hatching Brine Shrimp”

Speaker:  Dave Krah


WMLC is right behind Wilmington University. When entering onto the University street from DuPont Hwy (Rt 13 N), you can turn left into driveway alongside of first University building (sign with arrow for Lions Club). Follow driveway to back parking lot, WMLC entrance will be on your right.

Please note: Alcoholic beverages are NOT allowed inside or outside at any DSAS events or meetings!!

Please note we will no longer be meeting at the William Penn High School anymore. Wilmington Manor Lions Club will be our new home and permanent monthly meeting location starting with the June meeting. We will be holding our monthly meetings here the 2nd Monday night of each month with the exception of July.

Doors open at 6:30pm,  meeting starts at 7:00pm. Speaker starts at around 7:30pm, auction around 8:30pm.

Free refreshments are always available at each meeting. Besides our monthly auction, we will have door prizes, members-only drawing, 50/50 and a raffle.

There will be live fish and plants as well as aquarium items for our monthly auction at the end of each Monday night’s meeting.

Anyone bringing items to be auctioned, please email me what you intend to bring and I will have it listed in the email reminders that are sent out prior to the meeting. 

Our next annual picnic at Iron Hill Park Pavilion is on Saturday, July 26th, 2025.

Our next annual auction will be on Saturday, September 13th, 2025, and will also be held at WMLC each year. 

If you are not on our current distribution list but would like to attend, please email Marty at reefzig@verizon.net.

DSAS Board Meeting will be on Monday, March 17th, 7pm, in person or via Google Meet (by invitation only). If you are not a board member but would like to attend a board meeting, please give me a call or email and I will send you the link.

For all officers and board members, please contact Marty to confirm you are able to attend board meeting at: 302-363-6902 or reefzig@verizon.net 

Board meetings are normally held each month on the Monday one week after our regular monthly Monday night meetings.

Please continue to check our website for future updates and scheduling of our meetings

Thank you!

Diamond State Aquarium Society, Inc.
P.O. Box 10443,
Wilmington, DE 19850-0443
Founded 1963, Reorganized 1981
Incorporated since 1988

DSAS is a Delaware non-profit organization dedicated to the education and the advancement of the tropical, marine, and aquatic hobby. Founded 1963, Reorganized 1981 & Incorporated since 1988.

Join Us: Meetings are normally held on the second Monday of every month, beginning 7 PM at the Wilmington Manor Lions Club (behind Wilmington University), located at 320 N DuPont Hwy (Rt. 13 North), in New Castle, DE 19720.

There is a traffic light on Rt 13 for both left and right turns into the Wilmington University/Wilmington Manor Lions Club entrance. (across from the Wilmington Manor Fire Department and overhead crosswalk bridge). There is a small driveway on your left by the first college building with a small sign saying “Wilmington Manor Lions Club”. The parking lot for WMLC will be at the end of that driveway.

Youths (under 18) – $10/Year
Adults (18 and over) – $15/Year
Family – $25/Year

Alternate Meeting Location:

Asbury United Methodist Church (main hall)

300 E Basin Rd

New Castle, DE 19720