- September 9, 2019
- Diamond State Aquarium Society Club – Monthly Meeting
- October 14, 2019
- Diamond State Aquarium Society Club – Monthly Meeting
- Presentation “Ultimate Fishtank” by Julie MacRae
- November 11, 2019
- Diamond State Aquarium Society Club – Monthly Meeting
- Note: Alternate meeting location – Peniel United Methodist Church
- December 9, 2019
- Diamond State Aquarium Society Club – Holiday Party. (Feel free to bring a side-dish or dessert item).
- Also, bring a healthy appetite!
- January 13, 2020
- Diamond State Aquarium Society – Monthly Meeting
- Monthly raffle and auction
- February 10, 2020
- Diamond State Aquarium Society – Monthly Meeting
- Presentation: “Sponge & Box Filters – Biological Filtration Made Simple” by Chris Edwards
- Monthly raffle and auction
- March 9, 2020
- Diamond State Aquarium Society – Monthly Meeting
- Presentation “Killifish” by Dave Krah
- Monthly raffle and auction
- April 13, 2020 – Meeting has been cancelled!
- May 11. 2020 – Meeting has been cancelled!
- June 8, 2020 – Meeting has been cancelled!
- July 13, 2020 at Super Cichlids – meeting has been cancelled!
- August 10, 2020 at Super Cichlids – meeting has been cancelled!
- October 3rd, 2020, 1pm, at Iron Hill Park, 1335 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19720 – Saturday outdoor meeting and auction, free refreshments, bring your own chair and face mask.
- November 9, 2020 at Super Cichlids at 7:30pm – 1055 Barl Court, Dover, DE 19901 – Door prizes, raffle and live auction! Free refreshments! Store will offer 10-15% discount on dry goods only.
- December 14, 2020 – Meeting at Grotto’s Pizza has been cancelled due to rising numbers of positive Covid infections.
- January 11th, 20201 – Meeting at Super Cichlids has been cancelled due to the rising numbers of positive Covid infections.
- February 8th, 2021, 7:30pm – Our first virtual meeting via Google Meet video conferencing. Join us for a virtual tour of the beautiful undersea fish and critters of Indonesia. Our member, Julie MacRae, will share her photos from scuba diving around the remote islands near Bali, including the famous Komodo Islands, land of the dragons!
- March 8th, 2021, 7:30pm – Jeff Mey takes us on a virtual tour of his fish tanks “The Care and Breeding of African Cichlids”.
- April 12th, 2021, 7:30pm – Jeff Mey will offer his take on “Pond Tidbits”. Dave Krah will speak briefly on his “Small Tank Occupants”.
- Saturday, May 15th, 2021, 12 noon to 3pm – Iron Hill Park, 1335 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 – outdoor meeting and auction. Free refreshments!
- Saturday, June 12th, 2021, 12 noon to 3pm – Iron Hill Park, 1335 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 – outdoor meeting and auction. Free refreshments!
- Saturday, July 24th, 2021, 12 noon to 3pm – Iron Hill Park, 1335 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 – outdoor meeting, door prizes, raffle and auction. Free refreshments! (raindate: Sunday, July 25th)
- Saturday, August 28th, 2021, 12 noon to 3pm – Iron Hill Park, 1335 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 – outdoor meeting, door prizes, raffle and auction. Free refreshments! (raindate: Sunday, August 29th). The meeting is on for today (Saturday)!!!
- Saturday, September 18th, 2021, 12 noon to 3pm – Iron Hill Park, 1335 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 – outdoor meeting, door prizes, raffle and auction. Free refreshments! (raindate: Sunday, September 19th).
- Saturday, October 16th, 2021, 11:30am to 2pm – Iron Hill Park, 1335 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702 – outdoor meeting, door prizes, raffle and auction. Free refreshments, including hot dogs! Auction will begin around 12:30pm.
- Monday night, November 8th, 2021, 7pm to 9pm – William Penn High School, main cafeteria, 713 E Basin Road (Rt 141), New Castle, DE 19720 – indoor meeting, door prizes, raffle and auction. Free refreshments! Auction will begin around 8pm. Meeting will start at 7pm sharp!!
- Monday night, December 13th, 2021, 7pm to 9pm – Christmas Holiday meeting at William Penn High School main cafeteria (Cafe I). Plenty of hot food, beverages. Members requested to bring an appetizer, side dish or dessert. Please email Dolly at dollyz51@verizon.net on what you are planning to bring to prevent duplication.
- CANCELLED – Monday night, January 10th, 2022, has been CANCELLED – William Penn High School, main cafeteria –
- Monday night, February 14th, 2022, 7pm to 9pm – William Penn High School, main cafeteria, 713 E Basin Road (Rt 141), New Castle, DE 19720 – Presentation “Reef Life of the Caribbean – Belize” by Julie MacRae – indoor meeting, door prizes, raffle and auction. Free refreshments! Auction will begin around 8:15pm. Meeting will start at 7pm sharp!!
- Monday Night, March 14th, 2022, 7pm to 9pm – William Penn High School, main cafeteria, 713 E Basin Road (Rt 141), New Castle, DE 19720 – Presentation “Intro to Rainbows & Blue-Eyes” by Joel Antkowiak – indoor meeting, door prizes, raffle and auction. Free refreshments! Auction will begin around 8:15pm. Meeting will start at 7pm sharp!!
- Monday night, April 11th, 2022, 7pm to 9pm – William Penn High School, main cafeteria – Presentation “Aquarium Beautiful“ by Mike Trzonkowski – door prizes, raffle, members-only prizes and live auction. Free refreshments! Doors open at 6:30pm, meeting starts at 7pm sharp, presentation starts around 7:30pm, auction begins around 8:20pm.
- Monday night, May 9th, 2022, 7pm to 9pm – William Penn High School, main cafeteria – Presentation “Live Foods for Your Fish, Part 1: Worms” by David Krah – door prizes, raffle, members-only drawings and live auction. Free refreshments! Doors open at 6:30pm, meeting starts at 7pm sharp, presentation starts around 7:30pm, auction begins around 8:20pm.
- Saturday, June 18th, 2022, 11:00am to 2:00pm – Summer outdoor meeting at Iron Hill Park, 1355 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702. “Bring your own lawn chair! – door prizes, raffle, members-only drawings and live auction. Free refreshments! Auction begins around 12:30pm.
- Saturday, July 23rd, 2022, 11:00am to 2:00pm – Summer outdoor meeting at Iron Hill Park, 1355 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702. “Bring your own lawn chair!” – door prizes, raffle, members-only drawings and live auction. Free refreshments! Auction begins around 12:30pm.
- Saturday, August 20th, 2022, 11:00am to 2:00pm – Summer outdoor meeting at Iron Hill Park, 1355 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702. “Bring your own lawn chair!” – door prizes, raffle, members-only drawings and live auction. Free refreshments! Auction begins around 12:30pm.
- Monday night, September 12th, 2022, 7pm to 9pm – indoor meeting at William Penn High School main cafeteria, 713 E Basin Rd (Rt 141S), New Castle, DE 19720 – Speaker: Mike Trzonkowski “Auction Presentation” – door prizes, raffle, members-only drawings and live auction. Free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm sharp! Auction will begin around 8:30pm. Doors open at 6:30pm.
- Monday night, October 10th, 2022, 7pm to 9pm – indoor meeting at William Penn High School main cafeteria, 713 E Basin Rd (Rt 141-South), New Castle, DE 19720 – Speaker: Dave Krah “LIve Fish Foods – Pt 2” – door prizes, raffle, members-only drawings and live auction. Free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm sharp! Auction will begin around 8:30pm. Doors open at 6:30pm.
- Monday night, November 14th, 2022, 7pm to 10pm PLEASE NOTE: – indoor meeting at our alternate location at *** “Wilmington Manor Lions Club“***, 320 N DuPont Hwy, New Castle, DE 19720 (behind the Wilmington University)***. Speaker: Mike Trzonkowski “Aquarium Plants 101”. Door prizes, raffle, members-only drawings and live auction. Free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm sharp! Auction will begin around 8:30pm. Doors open at 6:30pm.
- Monday night, December 12th, 2022, 7pm to 10pm, at William Penn High School main cafeteria. This is our “Holiday” meeting. DSAS will provide meatballs, roast beef, fried chicken, rolls, condiments, beverages, paper goods. Members to bring a dessert, appetizer or side dish. Door prizes, members-only drawing, raffle and live auction. Holiday Mystery Bag Raffle! Meeting starts at 7pm sharp! Auction will begin around 9pm. Doors open at 6:30pm.
- Monday night, January 9th, 2023, 7pm to 9:30pm, at William Penn High School main cafeteria, 713 E Basin Rd (Rt 141), New Castle, DE 19720 – Q&A Panel (Mike Trzonkowski – Pres DSAS, Joe Kurman – Pres DCAS, Peter Bruce – DCAS) “Questions You Were Afraid to Ask” – Door prizes, members-only drawing, raffle and live auction – Free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm sharp! Auction will begin around 8:45pm. Doors open at 6:30pm.
- Monday night, February 13th, 2023, 7pm to 9:30pm, at William Penn High School main cafeteria, 713 E Basin Rd (Rt 141), New Castle, DE 19720 – Speaker: Julie MacRae “Trip to Egypt” – Door prizes, members-only drawing, raffle and live auction – Free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm sharp! Auction will begin around 8:45pm. Doors open at 6:30pm.
- Monday night, March 13th, 2023, 7pm to 9:30pm, at William Penn High School main cafeteria, 713 E Basin Rd (Rt 141), New Castle, DE 19720 – Speaker: Peter Bruce “Breeding Corys” – Door prizes, members-only drawing, raffle and live auction – Free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm sharp! Auction will begin around 8:45pm. Doors open at 6:30pm.
- Monday night, April 10th, 2023, 7pm to 10pm, at Wilmington Manor Lions Club, 320 N DuPont Hwy (Rt 13), New Castle, DE 19720 (behind Wilmington University) – Speaker: Joe Kurman “DIY LED Lighting” – Door prizes, members-only drawing, raffle and live auction – Free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm sharp! Auction will begin around 8:45pm. Doors open at 6:30pm. Drawing for brand new Aqueon 40 gallon glass breeder tank will be at 9pm at this meeting. tickets still on sale at $5 each or 3 for $10.
- Monday night, May 8th, 2023, 7pm to 10pm, at William Penn High School main cafeteria, 713 E Basin Rd (Rt 141), New Castle, DE 19720 – Speaker: Khumar Singh “DIscus: King of the Aquarium” – Door prizes, members-only drawing, raffle and live auction – Free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm sharp! Auction will begin around 8:45pm. Doors open at 6:30pm.
- Monday night, June 12th, 2023, 7pm to 10pm, at Wilmington Manor Lions Club (our new permanent meeting location), 320 N DuPont Hwy (Rt 13 North), New Castle, DE 19720. The entrance is behind Wilmington University. We will have our semi-annual Q&A panel for the June meeting. Door prizes, members-only drawing, raffle and live auction – Free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm (doors open at 6:30pm). Live auction will begin around 8:45-9pm.
- Saturday, July 22nd, DSAS Annual Picnic, 11am to ?? (we have the pavilion for the entire day), at Iron Hill Park pavilion (rain or shine). Food and games for the adults and children. Free door prize ticket for each adult (18 and over) attending. We will have three or four nice door prizes for the picnic. Need not be a member to attend. There will be no raffle, members-only drawing, or auction at the picnic. No July monthly meeting at WMLC.
- Monday night, August 14th, 2023, 7pm to 10pm, at Wilmington Manor Lions Club, 320 N DuPont Hwy (Rt 13 North), New Castle, DE 19720. The entrance to WMLC is behind Wilmington University. Door prizes, members-only drawing, raffle and live auction – free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm (doors open at 6:30pm). Live auction will begin around 8:45pm.
- Monday night, September 11th, 2023, 7pm to 10pm, at Wilmington Manor Lions Club, 320 N DuPont Hwy (Rt 13 North), New Castle, DE 19720. The entrance to WMLC is behind Wilmington University. Presentation: “Setting Up a Live Food Culture” by David Krah. Door prizes, members-only drawing, raffle and live auction – free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm (doors open at 6:30pm). Live auction will begin around 8:45pm.
- Monday night, October 9th, 2023, 7pm, at Wilmington Manor Lions Club had been cancelled due to water main repairs. Hope to see everyone at the annual auction!!.
- Monday night, November 13th, 2023, 7pm to 10pm, at Wilmington Manor Lions Club (behind Wilmington University), 320 N DuPont Hwy (Rt 13 N), New Castle, DE 19720. Presentation: “Fish of Indonesia” by Julie MacRae. Door prizes, members-only drawing, raffle and live auction – free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm (doors open at 6:30pm). Live auction will begin around 8:45pm.
- Monday night, December 11th, 2023, 7pm to 10pm, at Wilmington Manor Lions Club (behind Wilmington University), 320 N DuPont Hwy (Rt 13 N), New Castle, DE 19720. Holiday party, bring your appetite! Members are requested to bring a dessert or side dish (if bringing a side dish, please coordinate with Dolly at “dollyz51@verizon.net”). Door prizes, members-only drawing, raffle, new Aqueon glass 40-gallon breeder tank raffle, 50/50 drawing and live auction. Meeting starts at 7pm (doors open at 6:30pm). LIve auction will begin around 8:45pm.
- Monday night, January 8th, 7pm, at Wilmington Manor Lions Club, 320 N Dupont Hwy (Rt 13 N), New Castle, DE 19720. The entrance to WMLC is behind Wilmington University. Presentation: “Natural Bug Control with Help of Fish & Plants” by Mandy Goan. Door prizes, members-only drawing, 50/50, raffle and live auction – free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm (doors open at 6:30pm). Live auction will begin around 8:45pm.
- Monday night, February 12th, 7pm, at Wilmington Manor Lions Club, 320 N DuPont Hwy (Rt 13 N), New Castle, DE 19720. The entrance to WMLC is behind Wilmington University. Presentation: “Questions You Were Afraid to Ask” by 3-member panel consisting of Mike Trzonkowski (DSAS Pres), Joe Kurman (DCAS Pres), and Mandy Goan (ACM Pres). Door prizes, members-only drawing, 50/50, raffle and live auction – free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm (doors open at 6:30pm). Live auction will begin around 8:45pm.
- Monday night, March 11th, 7pm, at Wilmington Manor Lions Club, 320 N DuPont Hwy (Rt 13 N), New Castle, DE 19720. The entrance to WMLC is behind Wilmington University. Presentation: “Aquascaping 101” by Jen Williams of ‘Jenwill Designs’. Door prizes, members-only drawing, 50/50, raffle and live auction – free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm (doors open at 6:30pm). Live auction will begin around 9pm.
- Monday night, April 8th, 7pm, at Wilmington Manor Lions Club, 320 N DuPont Hwy (Rt 13 N), New Castle, DE 19720. The entrance to WMLC is behind Wilmington University. Presentation: “Killifish 101” by Chris Diaz. Door prizes, members-only drawing, 50/50, raffle and live auction – free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm (doors open at 6:30pm). Live auction will begin around 9pm.
- Monday night, May 13th, 7pm, at Wilmington Manor Lions Club, 320 N DuPont Hwy (Rt 13 N), New Castle, DE 19720. The entrance to WMLC is behind Wilmington University. Presentation: “Fish Farms in the Orient” by Jeff Mey. Door prizes, members-only drawing, 50/50, raffle and live auction – free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm (doors open at 6:30pm). Live auction will begin around 9pm.
- Monday night, June 10th, 7pm, at Wilmington Manor Lions Club, 320 N DuPont Hwy (Rt 13 N), New Castle, DE 19720. The entrance to WMLC is behind Wilmington University. Presentation: “Rainbows” by Joel Antkowiak. Door prizes, members-only drawing, 50/50, raffle and live auction – free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm (doors open at 6:30pm). Live auction will begin around 8:45pm.
- DSAS Annual Picnic, Sunday, July 21st, 12 noon, at Iron Hill Park Pavilion, 1355 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702. Members are asked to bring a dessert or side dish. There will be free door prize drawings, but no raffle or auction. Note: Alcoholic beverages are NOT allowed in the park.
- Monday night, August 12th 7pm, at Wilmington Manor Lions Club, 320 N DuPont Hwy (Rt 13 N), New Castle, DE 19720. The entrance to WMLC is behind Wilmington University. Presentation: “DIY Tank Repair” by Bill Smith. Door prizes, members-only drawing, 50/50, raffle and live auction. For the August meeting only, we will have free hamburgers and hot dogs along with all the trimmings, along with our normal free refreshments.
- Monday night, September 9th, 7pm, at Wilmington Manor Lions Club, 320 N DuPont Hwy (Rt 13 N), New Castle, DE 19720. The entrance to WMLC is behind Wilmington University. Presentation: “DIY Fish Bagging” by Mike Tzronkowski. Door prizes, members-only drawing, 50/50, raffle and live auction. Free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm (doors open at 6:30pm).
- Monday night, October 14th, 7pm, at our alternate meeting location at Asbury United Methodist Church, 300 E Basin Rd (Rt 141), New Castle, DE 19720. The entrance is on the left side behind the church. Presentation: “The Magic of Thailand” by Julie MacRae. Door prizes, members-only drawing, 50/50, raffle and live auction. Free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm (doors open at 6:30pm).
- Monday night, November 11th, 7pm, at our alternate meeting location at Asbury United Methodist Church, 300 E Basin Rd (Rt 141), New Castle, DE 19720. The entrance is on the back left side behind the church. Presentation: “Bettas – Not Just Siamese Fighting Fish” by Dave Krah. Door prizes, members-only drawing, 50/50, raffle and live auction. Free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm (doors open at 6:30pm).
- Monday night, December 9th, 7pm, at Wilmington Manor Lions Club, 320 N DuPont Hwy (Rt13), New Castle, DE 19720. The entrance to WMLC is behind Wilmington University. This is our “Holiday” meeting. DSAS is providing hot roast beef, meatballs, fried chicken, rolls, beverages, snacks, condiments, utensils and paper products. Members are asked to bring a dessert, appetizer or side dish. Please contact Dolly at 302-322-8187 or email “dollyz51@verizon.net” and leave a message as to what you will be bringing and how many are attending at least one week before the meeting. Door prizes, members-only drawing, 50/50, raffle and live auction. Meeting starts at 7pm (doors open at 6:30pm).
- Monday night, Jaunary 13th, 7pm, at Wilmington Manor Lions Club, 320 N DuPont Hwy (Rt 13 N), New Castle, DE 19720. The entrance to WMLC is behind Wilmington University. Presentation: “Freshwater Fishes of Costa Rica” by Dan Fromm. Door prizes, members-only drawing, 50/50, raffle and live auction. Free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm sharp (doors open at 6:30pm).
- Monday night, February 10th, 7pm, at Wilmington Manor Lions Club, 320 N DuPont Hwy (Rt 13 N), New Castle, DE 19720. The entrance to WMLC is behind Wilmington University. Presentation: “Mystery Snails – Solving the Mystery” by Scottie Schmidt. Door prizes, members-only drawing, 50/50, raffle and live auction. Free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm sharp (doors open at 6:30pm).
- Monday night, March 10th, 7pm, at Wilmington Manor Lions Club, 320 N DuPont Hwy (Rt 13 N), New Castle, DE 19720. The entrance to WMLC is behind Wilmington University. Presentation: “Hatching Brine Shrimp” by Dave Krah. Door prizes, members-only drawing, 50/50, raffle and live auction. Free refreshments! Meeting starts at 7pm sharp (doors open at 6:30pm).